Earlier this week I was in carpool line waiting to pick up Ethan and as with every day there is a young teacher that stands at the corner of the school on the sidewalk and watches a little boy as he walks across the crosswalk, down the sidewalk, crossing another crosswalk and then makes it to his home. Ever since Ethan started school last year, I have seen her watch this little boy.
This little boy is gorgeous! I have never seen him not smiling. He waves at every car that drives by. He has a bounce in his step. He is joyful and happy and everything mothers want to see in their children. He also has down syndrome. Maybe your heart just dropped like mine used to when I would see him. I would think to myself how could his mother allow him to walk from school to home every day unassisted? How does she know he makes it? And if she is in the home waiting for him, why doesn't she meet him at school and walk home with him?
Over the past couple of months, I have been introduced to Kelle Hampton. Well, not literally introduced, but have been able to follow her along her journey of becoming a mother for a second time via her
blog. She had one daughter, Lainey and was eagerly awaiting the birth of her second child. When her second daughter was born and everyone was oohing and ahhing over the new baby, Kelle sat there stunned looking at her new daughter, Nella. No one would say anything, and Kelle panicked looking around the room for ANYONE to say something about what seemed so obvious to her. But no one said a word. They just kept on oohing and ahhing. Kelle sat there, seemingly in a world all her own, trying to comprehend what was going on. Nella was born with down syndrome. I highly recommend you visiting Kelle's blog to read her story. I promise you, despite her rocky start with Nella, she adores her to pieces. There are absolutely things that Kelle continues to mourn for the life she thought her daughters would have and particularly the heart ache that the outside world will inevitably inflict on her family as Nella grows, however, Kelle is a mother first and foremost. And mothers protect their babies with a fierceness unknown to anyone else. And there is no doubt in my mind she will do the same for Nella.
So, earlier this week, I jumped out of my car and ran over to the teacher that stands at the corner of the school each day and watches the little boy walk home. I told her, I don't know how you know this little boy, but it is obvious he means so very much to you. I don't know his mother or him, but what you are doing for them is wonderful. So from afar, I thank you for blessing me each day. She smiled and said his name is Ben. He is wonderful and if you see him out, say hi to him and tell him your name. I promise he will never forget it.
Ben and Nella have opened my eyes to children I have always felt sorry for. My own ignorance, I admit. Ben and Nella are beautiful and happy. They smile. They love. They will have dreams. And they will fulfill their dreams. They are no more or no less than my own children in God's eyes and now in my eyes as well. These parents that I used to think how do they do it? Now I think, how could they not do it? They are all precious in His sight.
Please visit
Kelle's blog and get to know Nella. I know you will fall in love with her just as I have.