Tuesday, April 13, 2010


When I started going to bible study on Tuesday nights I had no idea where it would lead; I just knew I needed it for me. For me to be a better wife. For me to be a better mom. For me to be better. And all of the above has been accomplished. But that's not all. In our study of Daniel right now, one of the verses talks about how God continues to give wisdom to those who have a track record of receiving it. And that's what I believe I am setting myself up for.

As I became comfortable in my bible study, I introduced my children to our church. All of this with the understanding of we will see where this will go. No expectations. My children have loved every minute of going; well except for that time Chris tried to take Owen without me, and really, I don't want to discuss it. Let's just say Chris and Owen have a difficult time understanding each other and leave it at that. As my children come home Sundays and Wednesdays and I ask them what they have learned they spill forth stories of miracles and blessings. I delight in all that they are learning and I want them to grow with a strong foundation in Christ. But really, how do I know that this is taking root? And just when God senses that I am ready for a little more, He provides.
Last week Ethan brought this home in his Friday folder. They had been talking about Easter in school and were given the assignment of writing words that come to mind when they think about Easter and what it is. Let me be very clear when I say there is no religion taught in public school. None. At. All. So the mere fact that he came up with Jesus and God and relating them to Easter is 100% between he and God. And maybe a little to do with his mama. :-) I pulled this out of his folder and tears came to my eyes. I cannot possibly explain how proud I am of him. Of his independent thinking. Of his growing strength and wisdom in Christ. It is taking root. And as long as I continue to feed him, he will grow. And as long as I continue to pray and ask God for guidance, He will deliver. This much I am certain.

I call these times my nourishment. Nourishment for my mind. When I am ready to grow a little more, to trust a little more. When my faith is ready to expand, God feeds me teaspoon by teaspoon full of truth. And so this morning while I was driving to my mammogram appointment, these thoughts came to me. I think God still knows I am green and have questions. That I am sometimes on shaky ground, and so He appeases me by giving me tangible examples of His unfaltering love and that in turn helps me gain a stronger footing every day. He shows me what He is capable of if I show more faith. And so that is what I am doing. Little by little.

My mammogram appointment didn't go that great. There is definitely something that they are not happy about. I had two separate screenings and then moved on to an ultrasound. I was told my doctor would have my results within 24 hours and they would be in touch with me. She did smile when she gave me this information so I am hoping that means something. :-) For today, I am going to have faith that they were only being thorough and I will know by tomorrow that everything is fine.


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